Forget about grabbing their attention

by Karen

Is your primary goal with an email subject line to grab the reader’s attention? I hope not. Grabbing attention isn’t enough. That’s a goal of days gone by. Today’s goal is this: Engage the reader. Draw them into the lead of the email…draw them into the content. Grab attention versus engage isn’t semantics. The distinction […]

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The Diversity of Pay-Per-Click: How it helps other marketing channels

by Wiz

Pay-per-click (PPC) is still a viable marketing and lead generation tool. On its own it can be a strong source of leads, either through value-added online ads in the display network … in search results … or in social networking sites. But it can also help make your campaigns in other marketing channels perform better. […]

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A new market for B2B products

by Karen

Does your B2B company sell physical products? If so, would you like more buyers to see your products? Want more web traffic which leads to more sales revenue? Do you want to increase your market share? If you answered yes to those questions, then I have good news for you: Amazon is a market you […]

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Sales-Ready B2B Leads

by Karen

Generating sales-ready B2B leads is a multi-step direct marketing process. I doubt that’s news to you. But are you really orchestrating a multi-touch campaign? What might you consider as you develop your multi-touch lead generation and nurturing campaign? > Use a variety of channels and vary the type of content. Use print and digital; use […]

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Do your B2B email subject lines perform like a great race horse? Or more like a tired nag?

by Karen

Are your B2B email subject lines producing winning results for you? Or are they tired, worn out and not winning any races? Are you sending out race horses or nags? Per a recent survey published in BtoB Magazine (March 12, 2012 issue), email is still the marketing workhorse. To quote, “Marketers favor email for its […]

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The Decline and Fall of PPC – Really?

by Wiz

When I was a senior in high school, my father temporarily lent me a car: a 4-year-old Ford Maverick. It was the proverbial “owned by a little old lady who only drove it to church on Sunday” (and who was also my aunt). I was thrilled to have something to drive. But – typical teenager […]

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